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- Golden Hour -



I've been so patient, Lord, my friend,

Waiting and listening in your quiet cradle,

Soaking in the silent sounds of earth,

Sunset after beautiful sunset - 

Golden hour after glorious golden hour -

But when is MY golden hour?

You've smiled upon me day by day,

Filling me with gratitude, JOY, brightness,

Greeting me with starry skies and soft sands,

Glistening storybook waters and tender winter sun,

Your earth is golden - I see it, I feelt it, I KNOW it - but - 

When will be MY golden hour?


BUT WAIT - how strange, I must have forgotten 

The pain I was in all too often,

The windows I looked through were caked with dust,

So thick I could never see through - 

I must have forgotten

That back then, everything was frought, and,

You've taken my window and washed it clean-

OH, NOW, I see what you mean - 

This HAS BEEN - and will ALWAYS be,

My Golden Hour.







This is an original mixed media collage on 11x14 hardboard

Frame is included!  I made it!  :)

Hang wire on back


May You Be Blessed - May You Be Ever Lucid


"Golden Hour" - 11x14 Framed Collage

Only 1 left in stock
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